subota, 28. kolovoza 2010.

5 Tips On How to Get Traffic to Your Site

How do I get traffic to my site? This is one important question that is often asked by majority of internet marketers and I have come across this question a number of times in forums, chat rooms and social media circles. One begins to wonder why this question is so prevalent considering the so many resources available to address this question.

As an internet marketer it is important that you understand how to get targeted traffic to your sites, affiliate offers or services that you are promoting if you are going to make money online. This article is going to reveal to you my best 5 tips on how to get traffic to your site and I refer to them as the big 5 which are, affiliates, joint venture, subscriber list, customer list and article marketing.

Looking at the big 5, you will discover that these are long term resources that you can build and start driving traffic to your site today. Let us now examine them one by one:

Affiliates: Affiliates are a group of people that you have driving traffic to your sites or offer to earn a commission when one of the prospects makes a purchase. These affiliates use various means to drive traffic to your sites such as search engine optimization, ppc, article marketing and site reviews. These will stream hoard of traffic to your site thus exposing your sites to potential buyers. You want to start building an army of affiliates to start promoting and driving traffic to your sites immediately.

Joint Ventures: A JV is basically a Joint Venture between two or more people who agree to help promote your site or offer in return for commission - and vice versa. Assuming that one of joint venture partners have a list of 100K that your site or offer will potentially be exposed to. Imagine the traffic that your joint venture partner can drive to your site. This is one of the most powerful ways to drive traffic to your site that I know of if you treat your joint venture partners well and building this resource cannot be overemphasized.

Subscriber list: If you have been around for any length of time you possibly would have heard that the money is in the list. This statement is definitely true. As an internet marketer you want to start building your own list of subscribers that you have the possibility of promoting your site to. If you treat your list right it will become a source of targeted traffic to you. Hence, having your own list of subscribers in invaluable.

Customers List: There is a difference with your customer list and subscriber list. The difference is that your customers list is made of people that have bought or spend money with you once or more. They trust you and have shown their willingness to do business with you when you present them an offer that is relevant to them. Your customers list is a resource that you can start building today that can be a source of consistent traffic to your site or offer, consequently, building your customers list is vital.

Article Marketing: I have saved this tip for last because the traffic generated by this resource takes time to generate the big MO however, once the momentum takes off the rest will be history as they say. Article marketing is simply the process of writing articles and submitting them to article directories. You want to submit articles to some of the leading article directories at least once every week and build on that as you become proficient or have enough time. This resource will serve as a source of traffic to your site or affiliate offers in the long term.

If you want to drive targeted traffic to your site, here are my top 5 tips on how to drive traffic to your site. Take action today for that's where your visits and sales will come from.


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