ponedjeljak, 28. lipnja 2010.

Getting More Website Traffic the Easy Way - How Increasing This One Thing Can Get You More Visitors

If you are trying to get more visitors to your site and make more money online you have to realize that if you do the right things you are going to be able to get a massive amount of traffic! But if you do the wrong things you are going to end up wasting a lot of time and money. In this article I want to show you how increasing this one thing can actually get you more visitors then doing pretty much anything else online.

Why You Can Easily Get Caught Doing The Wrong Things...

One of the biggest problems that people have is the fact that they are always trying to get more visitors to their site and make more money using the wrong strategies. You have to realize that if you are trying to make more profits for your business, getting more visitors to your site might not actually be the best strategy to use to make this happen.

The reason that this might not be the best strategy to make this happen is because you can actually lose more money by getting more visitors.

You are going to have to spend more money to get those visitors to your site and if they are not buying from you, that will cut into your current profits and you are going to make less money than you would have if you simply would have avoided getting the increase in traffic.

But it is very easy to get sucked into doing the wrong thing because of the fact that it sounds easy and it is easy to do.

Here Is The One Thing That You Need To Do That Will Get You More Visitors...

Increase Your Conversions...

The better job you do at increasing your conversions, the more money you are going to make in your market and the more successful you are going to be online.

The better job you do at getting more of your current visitors to buy what you are selling, the more money you are going to make overall.

That means you are going to increase your profits without increasing your direct costs! And when you do that, you dramatically increase your profit margin!

The reason that is so important is because you can now go out and buy even more traffic at a higher price.

You will be able to get those visitors to your site and make even more money from them. So you are going to want to make sure you focus on this part of your traffic generation process if you want to succeed in your market.

This is the fastest way to making a lot of money online if you know what you are doing.

subota, 26. lipnja 2010.

The Key to Succeed in Online Business is Traffic

Although the enormous ways that you can use to make money online, weather you are selling a service, a product or introducing information, there is one thing that can determine your success or failure in online business, it is the traffic, in other way, your ability to get people to visit your website.

The traffic strategies include the various ways to lead potential customers to your front page, the most important strategy is the search engine optimization, although some web marketers think that relying solely on search engines to put your website in the first results is the quickest way to failure because their continues changes in their algorithms.

You should apply the following strategies if you want getting a big flow of customers or clients:

applying on-page and off-page seo methods for your website

content is the king, if you want more traffic, give more information

apply article marketing strategies to gain long run success

build a blog to build site traffic

Apply viral traffic methods, like giving out free report.

Social bookmarking now is the best way for quick results.

Use viral video to build website traffic.

Use press releases

Advertise at free classified ad sites

Use squidoo and hubpages to get more traffic.

Promote your website at related forums and news groups

Use answers sites to get new visitors.

Build an email list

Submit your website to web directories

Traffic exchange

Use rss feed to build site traffic

I think from the previous list, you have discovered the fact that traffic flow at your website won't happen by accident, it takes careful planning and sharp execution.

Although all these previous methods are great, but from my point of view, the search engine optimization still the best way for gaining the best conversions or sales, because of the target traffic sending to your website.

Traffic Generation - 10 Ways to Drive Traffic and Build Your List

Okay people...

These strategies are straight from the list builder 4.0 webinar that I just got done watching. This webinar lasted for 2 hours and 45 minutes and I stayed on faithfully until the end!

So obviously the information on the webinar must have been valuable in order for me to spend nearly 3 hours listening to it while the Lakers were busy destroying the Boston Celtics in game 6 of the NBA Finals...(Sorry Beantowners!)

Well anyway, I wanted to share with you all the top ten ways to generate traffic. So here they go:

1. Search Engine Traffic - This is obviously the most coveted way of driving traffic to your websites because it is absolutely free. Pretty much everybody online searches for what they want to find on Google, Yahoo, and Bing. So what if you could get to the top spot on all 3 of those search engines? What would that do for your business?

2. Article Marketing - This too is another free method of generating traffic online. Many people say that this is the oldest and still to this day the most effective means of driving targeted traffic to your website. Article marketing is one of my favorite strategies for driving visitors to my sites. However, if you are someone who does not like to write or do not have very good grammar you may want to (outsource) pay someone else to do this for you.

3. Video Marketing - According to many of the top marketers online, video marketing is one of the best ways to get traffic. Many people are afraid of being on camera which ultimately leaves video marketing wide open for anyone who is willing to make videos consistently and target their keywords in the title.

Search engines LOVE videos... One tip for you if you plan on getting into video marketing hardcore is to make sure that you ALWAYS watermark your videos. That simply means placing the title of your video at the bottom of your video so when other people steal your video you gain some free notoriety from the additional views you get to your video. YouTube is without question the place to be since it is the 3rd most visited site on the internet at the time of this writing.

4. Social Media Marketing - Is another way to get a loyal following of visitors coming to your site. As of today Facebook is the number 2 most visited site on the internet. So obviously YouTube and Facebook are two of the best places to go and find people to visit your site... (Click the following links to follow me on YouTube and Facebook)

Many people underestimate the power of Twitter, but it too is one of the top social media sites. Feel free to follow me on Twitter as well! Social Media is extremely popular and has been growing fast so this is something to keep in mind. Just don't spam other people's profiles whatever you do!

5. Viral Marketing - Viral Marketing uses the same concept as how a virus is spread... It's basically a form of referral marketing at its best. One simple way to go about it is by simply asking people to pass on your information. An example of this would be the retweet button you see at the top of this post as well and the "sharing is sexy" area at the bottom of this post.

Another simple way to go viral is to create some type of free report that offers "exclusive giveaway rights" to everyone who gets it. Then you simple link back to your website from the report so now you will have even more traffic pointed your way!

6. Pay-Per-Click Marketing - Without a doubt PPC is the quickest way to drive traffic to your website. Although it's important to understand that with pay-per-click you can easily lose your shirt overnight if you do not adhere to the rules and regulations of PPC Marketing. It is extremely easy to LOSE money with PPC, so it is best to have a nice sized budget and to also expect to wait 3 to 6 months before getting a return on your investment if any.

7. Ezines/Website Advertising - This is a method where you could easily pay someone who has already built a large subscriber base to send out a message to their list of subscribers on your behalf. You simply pay the list owner or list broker a fee and they will send your message out to thousands, tens of thousands, or maybe even hundreds of thousands of people who have subscribed to their newsletter.

Website advertising is pretty much the same. You simply find yourself a website owner who's site is generating a significant amount of traffic and then you pay them for the placement of some sort of ad on their site. Many website owners would gladly accept your offer if the price is right. (Remember that if you do get an ad placed on another person's website to always shoot to have your ad placed on the top of the website since that is where you will get the best conversions.)

8. Offline Marketing - In the eyes of an internet marketer this is probably the least effective method of driving traffic to your sites. However many of us forget that the internet is still actually very new and that prior to the internet offline marketing was all anyone had!

Direct mail, print advertising, radio, and TV are all methods of offline marketing. Placing ads in reputable newspapers and magazine are a little costly but have proven to be effective with the proper sales copy.

9. Joint Ventures - This is a powerful form of leveraged traffic. The most common JV is an ad swap/cross promotion. This is where 2 people agree to share information with each others contacts, a very simple way to help each other at the same time. This subject can be a little lengthy so if you'd like to learn more about joint ventures go over to Google and type in joint ventures.

10. Email Your List - The number one way to drive traffic, generate leads, and make more money is to email your list. Always remember the power is in the list and you should always be list building. If you don't have a list, that's what steps 1-9 were for. So if you want to get to the money in internet marketing get out there and start building your list.

petak, 25. lipnja 2010.

How to Get More Website Traffic Right Now - Getting Other Sites to Promote Your Products For You

When it comes to getting more visitors to your site and making more money online you are going to have to make sure you are focused on getting other sites to promote your products for you and become your affiliate. In this article I want to show you exactly why you need to do this and how you can make this happen the easy way.

Why Most People Never Use This Powerful Traffic Source...

You have to realize that you can get a massive amount of visitors to your site and make a lot of money if you know what you are doing by simply getting other sites in your market to become your affiliate and promote your products for you.

The reason that this strategy works so well is because you don't have to pay for the traffic that you are getting! The only time you ever pay for anything is when the visitors who are coming to your site buy something from you.

So it is a great strategy if you are trying to get more visitors to your site and make more money! But the problem that most people have is the fact that they simply don't use this traffic strategy in their marketing.

They don't think it will work for them and they don't think they can make a lot of money from the visitors that they will get to their site. You have to realize that it is a great strategy and you can make a lot of money if you know what you are doing.

Here Is How You Can Get Other Sites In Your Market To Promote Your Products For You...

Step #1 - You have to make sure you have a product that converts really well.

The first thing that you are going to have to do is make sure you have a really good converting product that makes a lot of money when you send traffic to it.

The reason that you need this is because if you have a really good converting product you are going to make a lot of money for the site owners who send you traffic.

Step #2 - You need to go out and contact all the site owners in your market that have sites which complement what you are selling.

You need to contact them and show them why they need to put your product banner ad on their site and show them how much money they can make if they send you traffic.

You have to realize that if you do this you will eventually get people to promote your site and you should make a lot of money in the process.

Getting More Website Traffic the Easy Way - A Hidden Flaw You Need to Make Sure You Watch Out For

One of the most important things you have to make sure you do when you are trying to get more visitors to your site is to make sure you watch out for the hidden flaws that are in some traffic sources in your market. You have to realize that you need to watch out for these or you will end up going broke if you don't! In this article I want to show you exactly how to spot these hidden flaws before they start costing you a lot of money.

The Problem That You Don't See When You Get Started Driving Traffic To Your Site...

One of the biggest mistakes people make when they are trying to get more visitors to their site is the fact that they can't figure out which sources are going to work and which ones are going to lose them money.

The problem is that in a lot of cases unless you are actually looking for the flaws ahead of time, you are not going to be able to find them! So what happens is you end up seeing them once it is too late and they end up costing you a lot of money and time!

You have to realize that when you are trying to get more visitors to your site it is really easy to think that everything is going to work the way you want! You want things to work out! That means you are going to do everything you can to make things work.

And when you see a flaw you are likely going to overlook it as you might think it is a small problem that is going to go away. The problem is that in a lot of cases it might not go away and you might go broke because of it!

Here Are The Hidden Flaws You Need To Watch Out For:

First - Not having enough direct competition...

When you see a traffic source in your market that does not have a lot of competition you can easily think that you are going to be able to go in and make a lot of money with that source! The problem is that if you don't have a lot of competition, it probably means that the market is not very good and that there are not a lot of buyers who are looking for what you are selling.

Second - Having to rely on free traffic...

When you are trying to get visitors to your site you might try and use free traffic sources that are in your market. There is nothing wrong with that on the surface, but once you start trying to get those visitors to your site you have to realize that the problem is you are going to have to do all the work!

So you need to make sure you focus on paid sources as you can outsource everything and simply buy your traffic and work to make a profit off the visitors that you buy.

srijeda, 23. lipnja 2010.

Getting More Website Traffic the Easy Way - A Hidden Flaw You Need to Make Sure You Watch Out For

One of the most important things you have to make sure you do when you are trying to get more visitors to your site is to make sure you watch out for the hidden flaws that are in some traffic sources in your market. You have to realize that you need to watch out for these or you will end up going broke if you don't! In this article I want to show you exactly how to spot these hidden flaws before they start costing you a lot of money.

The Problem That You Don't See When You Get Started Driving Traffic To Your Site...

One of the biggest mistakes people make when they are trying to get more visitors to their site is the fact that they can't figure out which sources are going to work and which ones are going to lose them money.

The problem is that in a lot of cases unless you are actually looking for the flaws ahead of time, you are not going to be able to find them! So what happens is you end up seeing them once it is too late and they end up costing you a lot of money and time!

You have to realize that when you are trying to get more visitors to your site it is really easy to think that everything is going to work the way you want! You want things to work out! That means you are going to do everything you can to make things work.

And when you see a flaw you are likely going to overlook it as you might think it is a small problem that is going to go away. The problem is that in a lot of cases it might not go away and you might go broke because of it!

Here Are The Hidden Flaws You Need To Watch Out For:

First - Not having enough direct competition...

When you see a traffic source in your market that does not have a lot of competition you can easily think that you are going to be able to go in and make a lot of money with that source! The problem is that if you don't have a lot of competition, it probably means that the market is not very good and that there are not a lot of buyers who are looking for what you are selling.

Second - Having to rely on free traffic...

When you are trying to get visitors to your site you might try and use free traffic sources that are in your market. There is nothing wrong with that on the surface, but once you start trying to get those visitors to your site you have to realize that the problem is you are going to have to do all the work!

So you need to make sure you focus on paid sources as you can outsource everything and simply buy your traffic and work to make a profit off the visitors that you buy.

utorak, 22. lipnja 2010.

How to Get More Website Traffic Right Now - The Best Way to Start Out If You Are in a New Market

When it comes to getting a lot of visitors to your site you have to make sure you are focused on using the right process when you get started. If you start out by doing the wrong things you are going to end up in a lot of financial trouble and you will potentially go out of business before you even really start out. In this article I want to show you the best way to start out if you are in a new market online.

False Starts That Can Be Fatal...

You have to realize that one of the biggest mistakes people make when they are trying to get more visitors to their site is the fact that they think they can do anything they want and still succeed.

This is because of the fact that you don't have to spend a lot of money to get your business going! If you were going to start a business that had inventory and a physical location you would have to spend a lot of money and there would be very little room for error!

But when you start out online you don't have those fixed overhead costs and because of this fact you can make some easy mistakes and get careless!

A lot of people don't realize it but the worst way to start out online is to focus on getting cheap traffic to your site. You have to realize that when it comes to sinking a ship, it is the small leak that does it slowly over time.

That is the same way with your online business! Your most expensive false start might be the fact that you are focusing only on cheap traffic sources that will give you visitors. You have to realize that you still need to make a profit even though you are getting visitors for cheap.

You will simply lose money slowly verses quickly if you were spending a lot of money on traffic.

Here Is The Best Way To Start Out If You Are In A New Market:

First - You need to make sure you are focused on the best source in your niche.

Don't mess around with new traffic sources and strategies that are not proven. Focus on the source that you know will give you traffic that will convert to buyers and that will make you money.

That way you won't get caught in the never ending cycle of looking for "cheap clicks"!

Second - You have to make sure you are focused on selling your own products!

Don't just rely on affiliate products when you are trying to make money doing what you are doing. You need to make sure you have your own products as well so you can maximize your income.

The Key to Succeed in Online Business is Traffic

Although the enormous ways that you can use to make money online, weather you are selling a service, a product or introducing information, there is one thing that can determine your success or failure in online business, it is the traffic, in other way, your ability to get people to visit your website.

The traffic strategies include the various ways to lead potential customers to your front page, the most important strategy is the search engine optimization, although some web marketers think that relying solely on search engines to put your website in the first results is the quickest way to failure because their continues changes in their algorithms.

You should apply the following strategies if you want getting a big flow of customers or clients:

applying on-page and off-page seo methods for your website

content is the king, if you want more traffic, give more information

apply article marketing strategies to gain long run success

build a blog to build site traffic

Apply viral traffic methods, like giving out free report.

Social bookmarking now is the best way for quick results.

Use viral video to build website traffic.

Use press releases

Advertise at free classified ad sites

Use squidoo and hubpages to get more traffic.

Promote your website at related forums and news groups

Use answers sites to get new visitors.

Build an email list

Submit your website to web directories

Traffic exchange

Use rss feed to build site traffic

I think from the previous list, you have discovered the fact that traffic flow at your website won't happen by accident, it takes careful planning and sharp execution.

Although all these previous methods are great, but from my point of view, the search engine optimization still the best way for gaining the best conversions or sales, because of the target traffic sending to your website.

nedjelja, 20. lipnja 2010.

Free Traffic Vs Paid Traffic

Most of the people now are marketing their products and services by setting up a website, although the best-designed website will not produce income unless there is traffic directed to it, and here, you have only two options to obtaining traffic, the first is free traffic, and the second is paid traffic, and your budget, time, are the main factors that decide the suitable choice for your site.

As you suggest for the free traffic, it is traffic that you can get at your website and free of charge, if this is your choice, so you must use search engine optimization techniques to make search engines view your website as being useful and relevant, and this leads to increase in rankings for your keywords.

Relying on search engine traffic is useful for the long term; it takes an average from six months to a year to see the results, if you want quick results, you should use another strategies like article marketing.

Publishing your articles in high traffic article directories, will Provide your website with a good traffic within a week plus valuable backlinks, but this gained traffic is likely to taper off in two to three weeks.

You can also get free traffic with traffic exchange, but will most likely be untargeted.

For paid traffic, the most common method is through the pay-per-click listing with all major search engines like yahoo, Google, and in this type of traffic, you won't affected with search engines algorithms and in the same time you will get a very targeted traffic that results in best conversion.

The best thing to do is to combine the free traffic (for the long term) and the paid traffic (for the short term), and by the time, you will be able to obtain the almost of all your traffic for free.

How to Get More Website Traffic Right Now - The 3 Step Strategy That Works Virtually Every Time

If you want to get more visitors to your site and make more money you are going to have to make sure you are focused on using the right strategy or you will end up wasting your time and money. In this article I want to show you the 3 step strategy that I have used for years that works virtually every time I use it!

Why Most Traffic Strategies Fail To Ever Work...

One of the biggest problems that a lot of people have is the fact that they use strategies for getting more visitors to their site that will never actually work in the real word.

The problem with most of the strategies and plans for getting more visitors is the fact that most of them only work on paper and usually only work for the person who created them.

The reason for this is because you can easily stumble upon a loophole that allows you to make something work for a small amount of time before that loophole goes away.

A number of years ago you could get traffic to your site from Google Adwords for $0.05 a click and make a lot of money simply promoting affiliate products.

The problem that happened was that loophole closed up and you can't get traffic from Google for $0.05 a click unless you really know what you are doing.

But people still teach this strategy all the time because of the fact that it did work at one time.

Here Is The Proven 3 Step Strategy That You Need To Use That Has Worked For Years...

First - You need to make sure you are in a market that has other direct competitors doing what you are doing.

The reason that you need to focus on these kinds of markets is because you will know the market is proven if you can see that other people are doing what you want to do!

Second - You have to make sure you have a lead in product to sell to your visitors that is about $50!

The reason that you want to do this is because you need to cover your advertising costs and make a bit of profit on top of that.

Third - You need to make sure you have a membership program that people can be a part of!

Once you get your visitors into a membership program you can give them training every month and get recurring income on an ongoing basis.

So make sure you focus on this 3 step strategy when you are trying to get more visitors to your site. You will likely make a lot of profits and you will be able to go out and get a lot of traffic because of the fact that you are so profitable.

subota, 19. lipnja 2010.

Getting Free Web Traffic

A website is in fact designed for traffic - traffic of every type and from every corner of the world. Generating web traffic on a website is a truly hard task, which requires a lot of time as well as money. Nevertheless, there are a number of ways, which you can adopt, free of cost in order to generate legal and valid traffic on your website. Traffic is at the root of online success, and plays an extremely important role in either making or breaking an online business.

Article writing can help get targeted web traffic to your site and so they can appreciate you valuable information. If you could submit two articles a day then you are going to generate a healthy amount of free web traffic. The more article content that gets posted, the better the website popularity and the higher ranking you will get on search engines results page.

As in all things in life it is never as simple as it appears although if you follow some simple rules you can make this strategy pretty effective. For proof of this have a look at the experts listed by location in EzineArticles.com for your country, and ask yourself why do so many of these authors write hundreds of articles. The answer in short is because it works! If you think that if you build a website and wait for a few days the traffic will start flowing, think again, just because you build don`t mean they will come.

The life blood to any internet business is the ability to get web traffic to your site. One of the great and powerful free marketing methods that work also is Video Production. A little bit like article writing I guess, but then visual. Get comfortable with this method. It is worth your time and effort. If you have written a winning article that creates a lot of traffic to your website, why not do a video about it? Post it to all the popular video sites like You Tube for example it just keeps that traffic coming! You're going to love the results.

petak, 18. lipnja 2010.

How to Get More Website Traffic Right Now - What You Can Do to Increase Your Profits Overnight

When it comes to getting more visitors to your site and making more money doing what you are doing online you are going to have to make sure you can find ways to dramatically increase your profits! The more profits you make, the more money you will have to spend and go out and get more visitors. In this article I want to show you exactly how to increase your profits virtually overnight.

Why So Many People Go Broke When They Start Out Trying To Get More Traffic...

You have to realize that if you know what you are doing you can make a lot of money online and get a lot of visitors to your site. But the problem is that you are going to have to make sure you don't do the wrong things.

The more wrong things you end up doing, the greater your chances are that you will start losing a lot of money doing what you are doing.

The reason that so many people go broke online when they are starting out is because of the fact that they do to much!

You have to realize that motion does not equal progress when it comes to making money online! Just because you are adding more and more traffic sources to your business does not mean you are actually going to make more money.

If you add the wrong traffic sources, you can actually start losing money and then you will start going the wrong way financially! If you do that long enough you will end up going out of business.

Here Is What You Can Do Right Now To Increase Your Profits Overnight...

First - Only focus on the traffic sources that are making you money right now.

You have to make sure you don't get caught thinking you need to be using more than one source in your market. You need to focus on the one source that is making you money or at least breaking even.

Once you have mastered that source, move on to other ones in your market! But make sure you realize that as soon as you cut out the sources that are not working for you, you are going to instantly increase your profits.

Second - You have to make sure you focus on split testing your landing page.

If you are getting 10% of the people who come to that page to give you their name and email address and you double it, that means you are now going to double your profits.

This is not very hard to do if you do a few split tests! Some times it only takes a day to get the results of your test! So make sure you run one right away in your market.

četvrtak, 17. lipnja 2010.

The Ultimate Guide to Boosting Your Website Alexa Rankings

The very first thing you need to do is work on your SEO (search engine optimization) and everything that makes your website top notch. If you have a lot of gadgets on your page, get rid of them. The only purpose those gadgets serve is to slow down your loading time, which kills your page rankings with Google. I know, I know, this isn't about Google rankings. Oh, but it is young grass hoppa. Remember, the higher your Google page rank, the more likely your website is going to get that "accidental traffic", which also helps your Alexa rankings. Another thing, Gadgets take away all the attention from your useful content. After you get rid of all those time killing gadgets, make sure your website has a great paint job.

You don't want blinding template colors or flashing banners on your site. These little things can be real annoying and run your visitors away and slow your loading time. Try to make your website as clean and professional as humanly possible. Now that you beef'd up the quality of your site, it's time for the grand final'e..Global Marketing. I mean if you're not trying to get the whole world to see your creation then what's the purpose in having a website? So how do you go from a start up website to a global hot spot? First, you need to get the word out. Submit your website to as many search engines as humanly possible. That's the first of many steps, but one you won't have to repeat or micro-manage like posting ads.

If Sales and Marketing is the Left Arm of Business, Then Traffic Generation is the Right Arm

In Internet marketing, we often learn the different strategies and techniques on sales and marketing...typically the following fundamental steps:

- how to create a compelling headline to attract the visitors get interested to browse through your product website
- how to attract, seduce the online visitors to stay on the sales page longer to read on
- how to tell the customer the problem he/she is encountering, and suffering
- how to show customer that your product can precisely solve his/her problem

In this manner, those visitors who are convinced by your sales and marketing presentation will click the 'Buy' button and make payment with thanks to you in their heart!

In the above scenario, your great sales and marketing plan and strategies have successfully closed sales for you. But bear in mind, you are making the assumption that there are unlimited visitors visiting your product website; as Sales, be it online or offline, is after-all a number game.

How to make your assumption of huge, if not, unlimited amount of traffic visiting your product site come true in reality?

- how do you ensure huge number of visitors clicking to take the first view of your website? Are you going to pay high price to 'AdWord' for anyone to click on your website?
- how to make your website appears on the first page of the Search Engine, so as to greatly increase the chances of visitors clicking on your website? Are you going to pay a high fee to Search Engine just to appear on the sponsor link of first page?
- how to maintain your website be on the first page of the Search Engine consistently? Are you going to keep paying high fee to Search Engine to maintain his first page position?
- how do you screen off the targeted visitors from the non-targeted visitors? Are you going to pay high price to 'Pay Per Click'?

Online sales and marketing strategies in general are the same as that in offline sales and marketing. However, the conversion rate from Internet marketing is much lower than offline sales and marketing, probably because

- people still feel more secured to touch and try the product to increase the probability of purchase of physical product
- there are still people who prefer to own well-binded book with cover to digital eBook

Having analyzed the above-mentioned, we can conclude that having great list of traffic is the only feasible means to increase sales conversion rate in Internet marketing, besides the sales and marketing strategies.

Singapore produces a number, though few, yet very successful Internet marketers that can make money via the Internet using their unique Money Making Secrets. Most of them are already living on Internet marketing as their main source of income. Johan Mok, Ewen Chia and Alvin Phang are few to mention that have made it to the top. With respect to traffic generation and Search Engine Optimization, KC Tan has his own recipes to get your website to the first page of Search Engine.

srijeda, 16. lipnja 2010.

Website Internet Traffic - Website Directories

If you pay for website internet traffic i.e. for getting many visitors to your website or blog, that job can be done, but if you drive the traffic on your own it can be always done better.

The way of internet traffic that I am going to write about is submitting the link of your website or blog to website directories. The website directories are also called web or link directories. They are actually directories on World Wide Web which are specialized in linking to other websites and categorizing those links.

A web directory is not a search engine and it does not display lists of web pages based on keywords, but it lists web sites by category and subcategory. Most website directory entries are also not found by web crawlers but by humans.

Website directories often allow site owners to directly submit their site for inclusion, and have editors review submissions for fitness.

To submit the link of your blog or website and in that way increase your website internet traffic all you need to do is to type in Google "website directories". But before doing that I would introduce you to some types of them.

Here are different types of web directories:

1) Many of the web directories are free which means you can submit your link without any charge
2) Some of them are not free and you need to pay for your link submission
3) There are also some web directories where you need to bid for the link submission
4) The most common way which you will probably meet is that you can submit your link to a directory in order to place link of the web directory somewhere at your blog or website

There are more types of web directories but these four are the most common.

For the beginning I would recommend submitting your blog or website to the free directories at first and as your site stats increase you can think about paying to some of the other site directories.

My suggestion is not to pay for increasing website internet traffic to your blog or website. Do it by yourself because firstly, it is easy and secondly, you can never be sure how much time is spent for driving the traffic to your website or blog.

How to Increase Targeted Website Traffic

How to increase targeted website traffic is on the agenda of many marketing managers today. If a marketer runs a well-run site with fresh and relevant content and is able to generate targeted traffic on top of this, the potential for revenue is great. There are many options available for increasing the amount of hits to one's site. These include using targeted videos, social media website advertising, and pay-per-click ads via search engines. Each of these areas will be discussed in detail below.

To begin, targeted videos promoting a website and what it has to offer can be posted on the Internet. These videos can be placed on specific websites meant to house other videos, or they can be placed on websites relevant to the demographic which the marketer is trying to reach. For example, if the marketer has a website advertising baby products, then perhaps he or she would like to post the video on a parenting website. Fresh and relevant videos can potentially be passed on to other consumers, and with a greater number of hits to the website will hopefully come a solid number of conversions.

Social media website advertising can also be used to promote a site. Marketers can create targeted ads which can then be placed on pages within a social media site, and the marketer can choose very specific variables by which to target the people who will be viewing the ads. Targets can be chosen by variables as specific as age, geography, political status, and more. This makes social media advertising the new wave of the future. To provide an example, a marketer wishing to promote a website on women's clothing can actually target women ages 25-49 who live in Northeastern states.

Last but not least, pay-per-click advertising via search engines can be used by marketers in order to generate hits to a website as well. Up until the rise of social media advertising, the pay-per-click search engine ads held a dominant spot on the action item list of many a marketer. Pay-per-click ads are still very relevant, but they have been losing dominance with the onset of the social media craze. They work by the marketer putting together ads about their websites with relevant keywords. The ads are then displayed when people conduct searches that are relevant to the websites. For instance, a person can be conducting a search on dogs, and various ads on dog training can pop up alongside the search results. Once people click on these ads, the marketer will be charged for every click depending on a budget that he or she decides on. It should be noted that while this search engine advertising is a solid way to generate more website hits, better targeting features are available through social media marketing.

In conclusion, there are many ways that a marketer can increase the amount of traffic to his or her website today. These include using targeted videos, social media website advertising, and pay-per-click ads via search engines.

utorak, 15. lipnja 2010.

The Secret I Learned About Generating Easy Traffic to My Affiliate Marketing Website

To some people who are new to the online business world, generating traffic may seem something difficult to comprehend and achieve. However to the experienced Internet Marketer, it is simple but only if you break it down into the required actionable steps. What does this mean? Well this article tells you what steps you can take to generate easy traffic to your affiliate marketing website.

The Secret of Generating Huge Traffic

I learned long ago that to generate easy and fast traffic, the best way of doing this is to create a snowball effect so that the traffic increases gradually until it is completely unstoppable. However this only works if you have the right elements.

The Steps you can take are these:

1. Write contents that you know that people will value so that they are happy and willing to link to you

2. Do the necessary work to rank well in the search engines like getting many relevant and quality backlinks

3. Create more valuable content on your website

4. Your keyword research holds the key to a successful traffic generation. Start finding out what these golden keywords are for your niche.

5. Your content that you create should contain these researched keywords in order to have well optimized pages. Your content becomes valuable since your visitors arrived at your website after searching for these
keywords in the search engines.

There is a lot of truth about everyone saying 'content is king' because good original content fuels the start of this snowball effect. Once you have good content in place, you only require a good framework to support it.

Small Business - Tips to Get Online and Get Traffic

I have always maintained that the difference between a successful business and an unsuccessful one is that the former tries to constantly evolve and experiment, while the latter tends to stagnate and revert to old ways. This is especially true about marketing, where you need to constantly innovate and take advantage of the latest marketing methods to yield sold results.

The internet is increasingly replacing local directories and Yellow Pages as the de-facto way to find local businesses. Internet use is especially common among the educated, urban, 18-35 audience which every business tries to attract. Therefore, getting your site ranked high on Google for your main keyword is crucial to getting traffic to your site, which, hopefully, you can covert into customers.

Let's start off with the site itself. Don't let anybody tell you that you need the fanciest graphics, the latest fonts, and drop dead gorgeous flash designs to lure in visitors. In fact, overloading your page with heavy graphics is a great way to actually turn away visitors from your site. Your site should be easy to use (i.e. it adheres to the most common usability practices), clean, and quick to load. It should also be informative and should ideally include all the information a visitor might need to know. A brief history of your business, business hours, your services and offerings, a contact form, a FAQ section - these are essential elements in the website.

But getting the website made is the easy part. The hard part is promoting it. You need to pick a main keyword for your site and focus all your marketing efforts on ranking high for that keyword. Suppose you are a plumber in Atlanta. Then the keyword you should ideally target is "Atlanta plumber" or "plumber in Atlanta". When picking keywords, make sure that you pick something that has a decent number of searches per month, but less competition (i.e. number of competing pages in Google).

Your next job is to drive traffic to your site. You can do this via a variety of ways that would change depending on your budget. If you want quick results and can spare some extra cash, PPC is a great way to drive traffic. If you want traffic through Google and other search engines, you should focus your energies on SEO. Other methods you can employ are PPV (Pay Per View), Facebook ads, Twitter, etc. Covering all these methods is beyond the scope of this article, but there are plenty of resources online where you can learn more about them.

nedjelja, 13. lipnja 2010.

Top 10 Split Testing Tips to Increase Your Landing Page Conversion Rates

I am sure you are familiar with the concept of a landing page and would like to improve your landing page conversion through split testing, otherwise you would not be here to begin with (he-he).

The entire purpose of a landing page is to gather your prospects' contact information in exchange for something valuable, so that you can add them to your marketing pipeline and market to them in the future.

Below you will find some very important split testing rules (strong suggestions) to follow when building your landing page. These split testing tips have been proven to increase the effectiveness of your landing page conversion through thousands of split tests.

So, here are your

Top 10 Split Testing Tips to Increase Your Landing Page Conversion Rates

#1. Change your headline color to Red (Hex={CC,00,00}), Maroon, or Black in the bold fonts of Tahoma, Georgia, or Times New Roman, in size 18.

#2. Change your text to Arial 12 point font - won't necessarily increase your conversion rates, but will increase your text readability, which in turn might increase your conversion rates.

#3. Add Quotation marks to your headline.

"Who Else Wants To..."

#4. 3 best-converting headline templates (consistently beat more "creative" headlines in conversion rates)

  • "How To..."
  • Numbered Headlines, i.e. "7 Proven Ways To..."
  • "Who else wants to..."

#5. Change your background color to blue, which triggers trust.

#6. Best pre-headline format is "ATTENTION: _____ Discover _____"

#7. Change your white background around your text to light grey (Hex={EE,EE,EE}).

#8. Did you know that you can change the color of your scroll bar? Change it to red to increase your conversion rates.

#9. Make sure you place your opt-in box in the top-right corner above the fold, so that your prospects can see it without having to scroll down to see it.

Also, making your opt-in box look like Yahoo's email login will increase your opt-in rate by 77% (I did not personally tested this number, but people who are much smarter than I am did).

Fun (or reality check) fact: 85% of your readers will never scroll down your page.

#10. The "Submit Button" in the opt-in form should never say "Submit". Reinforce your offer with a call to action, like:

  • "Send My Free Report Now!"
  • "Give Me Access to My Exclusive Video"
  • "Get Your FREE Instant Access Now"

(The use of personal pronouns like "you, your, yours" and "me, my" are great psychological triggers to use.) The key to successful landing page optimization is in formatting.

You can have a very simply landing page without any images or videos, but if the formatting, spacing, alignments, etc. are done well, your page will look professional. If you don't pay attention to these components, then your landing page will scream "Amateur!" and your conversion will suffer. In that case, so no split testing tips will ever help you.

Increasing Web Traffic For You Online Home Business

Every internet home based business owner's goal is to increase web traffic. More traffic means more prospects which of course also mean bigger sales potential. Search engine optimization is the key to achieving targeted traffic.

All online marketers must know the basics of search engine optimization. Even if you intend to hire an SEO expert to the job for you, doing some optimization yourself will also make a difference. Below are ten tips to targeted traffic with the help of SEO strategies:

1) Target your keywords. Keywords and key phrases play an important role in SEO. The key is finding specific keywords that are used by internet users when they are in search of products or services you offer. General terms simply will not work because there is too much competition. As opposed to this, in order for you to effectively reach out to your target market, you will need specific key phrases that are descriptive.

2) Use meta tags. Search engines pick up key words from the meta tags used in web pages. Do not overlook this important feature in your website. Use carefully chosen keywords in the meta tags of each of your pages.

3) Stay away from flash animations and other coding. Search engines can only read HTML codes. Flash, java script and java are just some of the codes that hinder search engine spiders from accessing your pages.

4) Provide links to quality websites. Providing a link list on your site will make your website a credible resource of information. Just make sure that websites you link to also have quality and informative content.

5) Submit to search engines. Submit your URL to the major search engine directories such as Google, Yahoo, MSN, Ask, AOL, DMOZ and others.

6) Provide quality, fresh content. Keep your site updated with quality and fresh content to keep your visitors coming back. If you can not write your own articles, hire a freelance writer who will write your content for you. Keep in mind that people are always hungry for new information.

7) Submit your articles to directories. Submitting your articles to directories will expose your link to more people on the web. Do not forget your author resource box at the bottom of your articles. This part should contain your name, the industry you belong to and your website's URL. If you want, you can also include your e-mail to let people reach you more easily.

8) Offer free stuff. Everybody loves free stuff. Offering a free e-book, discount coupons, free newsletter, etc. will make a big difference in how people respond to your website.

9) Offer free advice. One effective way to drive traffic to your site is to start sharing your expertise as well. This also helps you pen the line of communication with them and start building customer relationship.

10) Join forum discussions. This is another way to spread links to your website and get to know more people as well. Look for forums that discuss topics related to your business. In these forums, you will surely find your target market - individuals who re genuinely interested in your business and/or products.

Copyright (c) 2010 Luie De Von

subota, 12. lipnja 2010.

Increasing Web Traffic For You Online Home Business

Every internet home based business owner's goal is to increase web traffic. More traffic means more prospects which of course also mean bigger sales potential. Search engine optimization is the key to achieving targeted traffic.

All online marketers must know the basics of search engine optimization. Even if you intend to hire an SEO expert to the job for you, doing some optimization yourself will also make a difference. Below are ten tips to targeted traffic with the help of SEO strategies:

1) Target your keywords. Keywords and key phrases play an important role in SEO. The key is finding specific keywords that are used by internet users when they are in search of products or services you offer. General terms simply will not work because there is too much competition. As opposed to this, in order for you to effectively reach out to your target market, you will need specific key phrases that are descriptive.

2) Use meta tags. Search engines pick up key words from the meta tags used in web pages. Do not overlook this important feature in your website. Use carefully chosen keywords in the meta tags of each of your pages.

3) Stay away from flash animations and other coding. Search engines can only read HTML codes. Flash, java script and java are just some of the codes that hinder search engine spiders from accessing your pages.

4) Provide links to quality websites. Providing a link list on your site will make your website a credible resource of information. Just make sure that websites you link to also have quality and informative content.

5) Submit to search engines. Submit your URL to the major search engine directories such as Google, Yahoo, MSN, Ask, AOL, DMOZ and others.

6) Provide quality, fresh content. Keep your site updated with quality and fresh content to keep your visitors coming back. If you can not write your own articles, hire a freelance writer who will write your content for you. Keep in mind that people are always hungry for new information.

7) Submit your articles to directories. Submitting your articles to directories will expose your link to more people on the web. Do not forget your author resource box at the bottom of your articles. This part should contain your name, the industry you belong to and your website's URL. If you want, you can also include your e-mail to let people reach you more easily.

8) Offer free stuff. Everybody loves free stuff. Offering a free e-book, discount coupons, free newsletter, etc. will make a big difference in how people respond to your website.

9) Offer free advice. One effective way to drive traffic to your site is to start sharing your expertise as well. This also helps you pen the line of communication with them and start building customer relationship.

10) Join forum discussions. This is another way to spread links to your website and get to know more people as well. Look for forums that discuss topics related to your business. In these forums, you will surely find your target market - individuals who re genuinely interested in your business and/or products.

Copyright (c) 2010 Luie De Von

An Automated System to Help With MLM Lead Generation

I am about to give you the secret to learn how to triple your traffic to your websites and to start earning commissions today.

Most people fail to generate traffic online because:

1.They don't have an automated traffic system in place.
2.Many Network Marketers are using outdated methods to generate traffic.
3.Many Network Marketers are only trying to generate traffic from one place and are not using all traffic generating strategies to their advantage.

I am going to share with you an automated traffic system that I use personally that helped me sponsor five people in my 1st month and generated over 268 leads that same month with no prior marketing experience.

A couple of months ago I was struggling and was ready to give up and I became very desperate. See for a long time I wanted to generate traffic and have them going to my websites but I did not have the proper tools is place. I was frustrated because everything I tried did not work. After purchasing courses, attending seminars and purchasing products; I still did not have the success that I was promised to me. I did not get any results. I was so frustrated and determined to make this work. I spent thousands of dollars that I did not have. I had to break some CD's that I had put away for some rainy days. I felt like a loser but I had spent my savings and I still did not have any one joining my business, I was not generating enough traffic to my sites, and I was not even getting paid off affiliate commissions.

I discovered a system that was the answer to all my prayers. This system is so wonderful, once you set it up, the work is done. I was able to generate leads on autopilot 24 hours a day. I don't think people understand how powerful that is. I had gotten sick with the strep throat and I was not able to do my lead generating activities that I do daily. I was out of commission for two days and when I checked the system on the third day; I had generated just as many leads I would have it I had not been sick. This is powerful. This system has tons and tons of training and weekly calls that gives you tips and teaches you step by step how to add new marketing strategies to your belt.

You have tutorials that give you step by step instructions. Some things you will learn:

1.How to leverage Facebook, Twitter, Link in and MySpace.
2.Article and Content Marketing
3.Ezine and Solo Ads
4.Newsletter Marketing
5.Pay Per Click and so much more.

Most people need a system like this because they are not generating enough traffic or they cannot find something that is working for them. With this system, this is your chance for a fresh start. No matter how long you have been an Internet Marketer or whether you are just starting out. The beginning for you starts right now. I would like to introduce to you MLM Lead System PRO.

This system can help you dominate the internet. The best thing that I love about this system is that it can be integrated with any business you have. Thousands are using this system and is finding success online. You will be kicking your self for not finding this system before now.

The Secret I Learned About Generating Easy Traffic to My Affiliate Marketing Website

To some people who are new to the online business world, generating traffic may seem something difficult to comprehend and achieve. However to the experienced Internet Marketer, it is simple but only if you break it down into the required actionable steps. What does this mean? Well this article tells you what steps you can take to generate easy traffic to your affiliate marketing website.

The Secret of Generating Huge Traffic

I learned long ago that to generate easy and fast traffic, the best way of doing this is to create a snowball effect so that the traffic increases gradually until it is completely unstoppable. However this only works if you have the right elements.

The Steps you can take are these:

1. Write contents that you know that people will value so that they are happy and willing to link to you

2. Do the necessary work to rank well in the search engines like getting many relevant and quality backlinks

3. Create more valuable content on your website

4. Your keyword research holds the key to a successful traffic generation. Start finding out what these golden keywords are for your niche.

5. Your content that you create should contain these researched keywords in order to have well optimized pages. Your content becomes valuable since your visitors arrived at your website after searching for these
keywords in the search engines.

There is a lot of truth about everyone saying 'content is king' because good original content fuels the start of this snowball effect. Once you have good content in place, you only require a good framework to support it.

Identifying Web Log Analysis to Increase Website Traffic

This article aims to simplify the process of web log analysis, which is already complicated in itself. Fundamentally, you only need to know and understand the most important web site traffic stats when using your favorite web log analyzer. Optimizing your business for maximum ROI is all about knowing how to extract meaningful data from these website traffic statistics.

Web log analysis is an inevitable step in order for your online business to see as much success as it's capable of. There was a time not too long ago when all that webmasters did from log file analysis was tracking their "web counter hits", or how many people visited their sites.

However, that is certainly not the kind of web log analysis that leads to success for today's online business. When you can make the most out of your log file analyzer you're able to understand every aspect of your website and its presence. You are then also able to make the necessary improvements and adjustments to increase website traffic.

Most Important Web Site Traffic Stats

As mentioned, log file analysis has come quite a long way since the days of counting your hits and not paying attention to anything else. Here are a few of the most important traffic statistics you need to get a handle on for successful web log analysis in the current highly competitive Internet environment:

Unique Visitors: is a measure of how many specific individuals visit your site, which separates returning visitors from first time visitors.

Return Visitors: are visitors who have already been to your web site before at some point. High percentage of return visitors is a sign of positive website engagement and prospect conversions.

Bounce Rate: refers to the people who only see one page of your website, then either click back button or close browser window. The lower your bounce rate the better, because it means you are enticing people to look around. Comparing bounce rates for different pages is a key element to successful web log analysis.

Average Time on Site: is the literal time that the average visitor spends browsing your website. It's an important measure to see how you hold a visitor's attention. By diving deep into each web page analysis you can also see which one performs well and which one needs changes.

Average Pages Viewed: is the number of pages that a typical visitor to your site looks at before leaving. A higher number shows more interest from readers and reflects positively on your site design and content.

Most Viewed Pages: will give you an idea of what kinds of content people are looking for on your website, and which articles or topics are of the most value to your visitors. You can use these web site traffic stats to identify new on demand products.

Web Traffic Sources: Looking at your traffic sources is one of the most important uses for web log analysis. You can see if your traffic is coming from search engines, which search engines specifically, which other referral sites are producing traffic or whether it's from direct source- when people just type in domain from browsers, through bookmarks, etch. It's a great way to measure your promotional and SEO success.

Top Keywords: Using your log file analyzer one step further from web traffic sources you can take a look at the actual keywords that people used to find your site in the search engines. This log file analysis is very useful to see how you stand in the search engines and how aligned you are with your niche.

petak, 11. lipnja 2010.

Automated Website Traffic For Your Internet Business - Why Web 2.0 Sites Will Not Work Very Well

If you plan on getting visitors to your site on total autopilot you are going to have to make sure you are focused on staying away from social media and Web 2.0 sites. In this article I want to show you exactly why you need to avoid these types of sites if you plan on getting massive amounts of visitors to your site on autopilot.

What The Experts Are Not Telling You About Social Media Marketing...

You have to realize that when it comes to getting more visitors to your site online most people are focused on only using the sources that are "cool" and trendy. The reason is because we like to be part of what is working and what everyone else is doing. Not only that, if there is enough "social proof" that something is working for other people we think that it should work for us as well!

That is fine and to some degree you are always going to want to make sure things will work for you so you can get more visitors to your site using strategies that are proven. But you are also going to have to realize that just because the rest of the world does something does not mean you need to be doing that same thing as well. The reality is you have no clue exactly what everyone else is doing because you really only see what people want you to see! They are only going to show you the good things that are happening.

Here Are 3 Reasons Why You Should Not Use Web 2.0 Marketing If You Want To Get More Visitors To Your Site On Total Autopilot...

First - Buyers are not surfing Web 2.0 sites looking for things to buy!

They are looking on the search engines or on content sites in your market for things to buy and for information related to what you are selling. So just because you can get a lot of people to your site from a social media network does not mean they are actually going to buy from you.

Second - You have to compete with literally hundreds and in some cases thousands of other people to get visitors to your site.

You are going to have to compete with everyone else who is thinking about doing the exact same thing you are doing. That means you are going to have to work to out market all these other people so you can get visitors to your site.

That is not something you want to do as you will end up wasting a lot of your time making this happen and in the end you are going to lose money. So focus on the sources that are going to get you the most results and stay away from stuff that is not going to work.

Ways to Optimize Blog Traffic

Every blogger wants to have maximum visibility to his or her blog and also want a good number of visitors to their posts. If a blogger is not able to attract a good number of visitors, it is likely they may lose interest in blogging and may abandon the blog. If you are facing a similar difficulty all you need to do is optimize blog traffic to bring in more visitors. You need to follow the given tips to optimize blog traffic.

1.Related Keywords in the content:

You should do research on the keywords that are generally used by Internet visitors when they look for information related to a particular niche. You need to use keywords that are related to your niche and that enjoy good search volume. The keywords should not be concentrated in a particular paragraph but spread evenly throughout the article. You can use variations of the keywords in your article and include the keyword in the first paragraph itself. Keyword density should be followed when you optimize blog traffic. You can keep the keyword density above two but less than four percent.. You should follow this rule because excessive keywords stuffing will have a negative impact on your efforts to optimize blog traffic.

2.Use proper HTML tags:

You can use "Alt" tags on images and "Title" tags help disabled people who read the content with screen readers. These tags are considered valid HTML tags, which is given importance while search engine indexing.

3.Back links:

Search engines give higher rankings to Websites that have several back links. Back links are considered to be a helpful way to enable Internet visitors explore more information about your niche. It is necessary that when you create a network of back links, that you should link to Websites or blogs that belong to the same niche.

4.Meta description tags:

Meta description tags are helpful when you take steps to optimize blog traffic.

5.Use sitemaps:

To optimize blog traffic, you need to understand that search engines should index the maximum pages on your blog. You can install sitemap plug-ins on your blog which help the search engine to index all pages on your blog.

6.Social bookmarking sites:

Social bookmarking websites offer one of the best ways to optimize blog traffic. You should allow readers to bookmark your posts. You can add code to your blog template for different bookmarking sites.

No matter what steps you take to optimize blog traffic, one thing you should understand is that there is no substitute for quality content

četvrtak, 10. lipnja 2010.

Automated Website Traffic For Your Internet Business - 3 Reasons You Should Buy Your Online Visitors

When it comes to getting more visitors to your site on total autopilot you are going to have to make sure you use the right strategy to get them to your site or you are going to end up wasting all your time and never actually achieve your goals. That is why I want to show you 3 important reasons why you need to make sure you buy your online traffic instead of trying to get it for free.

The Dark Side Of Free Traffic...

You have to realize that pretty much everyone who is trying to start and grow their online businesses are trying to get visitors to their site on total autopilot. That is fine, but the problem is that most people are focused on only using free traffic sources in their market.

You have to realize that on the surface this is not a bad thing to do! In fact it makes a lot of sense when you think about it! Who wouldn't want to get visitors to their site on total autopilot without having to pay for them and essentially have a 100% profit margin?

But that is the problem as well! Millions of people are asking themselves that exact question everyday and then focusing all their efforts on getting visitors to their site without having to pay for them! So that means you are going to have to compete with literally thousands of other marketers in your market who are thinking the exact same thing you are thinking! So now the free traffic you thought you were going to get to your site is going to cost you a lot of time because you have to out market hundreds of other marketers.

Here Is Why You Should Always Buy Your Online Traffic:

Reason #1 - You can create a barrier to entry behind you!

The bottom line is that you can create a barrier to entry so you don't have to compete with hundreds of other people in your market. If you get really good at using Google AdWords and start buying ads for keywords in your market you are only going to have to compete with 6 or so other marketers to get visitors to your site. That is a lot better then competing with hundreds of people on the free search engines.

Reason #2 - You can get visitors to your site right away!

The great thing about buying your traffic is the fact that you can instantly start getting visitors and start making money from your efforts.

Reason #3 - You can create a return on investment.

You can invest $1 into getting more visitors to your site and then make $10 back in the form of new sales if you know what you are doing. This is a great way to make a lot of money really fast if you do it the right way.

Increase Your Online Traffic With These 3 Simple Tips Today

You may have the best product or website in the world but without visitors your really just a nobody. Traffic makes the online world turn, with visitors come money and with money comes a good business. I would like to share with you today three simple, yet effective traffic tips that will keep hungry people coming to your websites.

Tip 1:

Get your name and brand online in as many places as you can. I do not mean spam the internet i mean think clever, interact in social networks and try and build a good base of visitors. Being out there will increase your reputation and then people will more interested in looking at your website.

Tip 2:

Give people something of value for free and show that you can provide good content for free. Maybe it is something as simple as a free course. Everyone likes free and if it shows real value the customer will be more interested in following the links you have to your product or website.

Tip 3:

Try to be different and unique with your marketing. Really think about your ad writing or article writing, think outside the box and try a different approach to gain some customers. I do not mean be fake and false. I just mean be clever and use some usual things to try and gain that extra advantage over your competition.

Getting online traffic can be a challenge, but at the end of the day it will be very rewarding. Aim to please your customers and they will always come back for more. More importantly always try to think of different marketing techniques to gain even more exposure.

srijeda, 9. lipnja 2010.

Traffic and List Building - Blogs and Forum Comments

Posting comments in Forums and Blogs is a great strategy to drive traffic to your blog or website. Not only you get to know your competitors, possible JVs and people that is interested in the niche, but all the traffic that comes from forums and blogs in your niche is targeted traffic.

Participating in Forums has been a known strategy for Backlink building. Sometimes you just need to find a Forum with a high Page Rank, create an account in the Forum, edit your signature or any other place where you can post a link to your site and that's it.

Supposedly the Search Engines will follow that link to your site or blog and think "Hey, this is a very nice forum, if it's linking with this blog, then this is a very nice blog". And maybe that's okay for backlink and if you're trying to rank your blog in Google or other Search Engines for a specific keyword.

This is not what we want now. We need people to click in our link and visit our blog or website. And just creating an account in a Forum, even with page rank 8, and do not interact with people in that forum will not drive visitors to us, right? So we need to make posts in the Forums.

BUT.... we must make posts that have interest to people in the Forum and that creates interest in our personality. Do not post things like:

Hey, this is a nice forum with very nice people, please visit my blog in blah-blah.com

Obviously it will no work. And chances are the moderator will delete your account.

My recommendation is:

  • Find forums that are related with your blog (for example, Forums related with Dog Training or Louisiana Golf Players).
  • Browse the forum, see what kind of comments and topics people post. There are very bad forums around and you don't want to be associated with them.
  • If it seems okay, create an account and put a link to your blog in your signature.
  • Browse the topics and participate in discussions where you can give real contributions. When you post your replies your signature will show and there is the link to your blog.
  • After some time, and if your comments are perceived as valuable and interesting, people will start to click in your link.
  • Again, it's time for the conversion game. If you have a good reason for people to join your list, then it will grow.

There is one exception to what I said about posting a direct link to your blog: if you participate in a discussion where people are asking for something you have in your blog, go ahead and say "Hey, visit my blog in blah-blah.com and get that, I have it there for you."

Commenting in blogs follows most of the same rules I outlined above except that you don't create an account, you post a link to your site or blog when you leave a comment. Once again, post real value comments. Most of the blogs have moderation for comments and the owners just delete or don't approve comments like "Hey, nice blog. Keep the good work". This is a little bit rude. Blogs also means some kind of relationship. Imagine you're talking with a group of friends and someone you don't know comes in and say: "Hey, nice shoes you're wearing. Visit my store at...." Not good.

The problem with this strategy, again, is that it takes time. It's like what Alex Jeffreys call "Oil Rig hoping". You start leaving your comments, if they are clever and interesting people start to reply directly to your comments, which raises attention, you continue to interact, the snowball starts moving, and chances are that people click in your link because they become curious about you.

But you know what's happen with a snowball down the hill... it can cause an avalanche!

So go there, find interesting blogs and forums, participate and get involved and prepare something real valuable to offer to your blog visitors. Your list will start grow with people that are grateful.

utorak, 8. lipnja 2010.

Increasing Web Traffic For You Online Home Business

Every internet home based business owner's goal is to increase web traffic. More traffic means more prospects which of course also mean bigger sales potential. Search engine optimization is the key to achieving targeted traffic.

All online marketers must know the basics of search engine optimization. Even if you intend to hire an SEO expert to the job for you, doing some optimization yourself will also make a difference. Below are ten tips to targeted traffic with the help of SEO strategies:

1) Target your keywords. Keywords and key phrases play an important role in SEO. The key is finding specific keywords that are used by internet users when they are in search of products or services you offer. General terms simply will not work because there is too much competition. As opposed to this, in order for you to effectively reach out to your target market, you will need specific key phrases that are descriptive.

2) Use meta tags. Search engines pick up key words from the meta tags used in web pages. Do not overlook this important feature in your website. Use carefully chosen keywords in the meta tags of each of your pages.

3) Stay away from flash animations and other coding. Search engines can only read HTML codes. Flash, java script and java are just some of the codes that hinder search engine spiders from accessing your pages.

4) Provide links to quality websites. Providing a link list on your site will make your website a credible resource of information. Just make sure that websites you link to also have quality and informative content.

5) Submit to search engines. Submit your URL to the major search engine directories such as Google, Yahoo, MSN, Ask, AOL, DMOZ and others.

6) Provide quality, fresh content. Keep your site updated with quality and fresh content to keep your visitors coming back. If you can not write your own articles, hire a freelance writer who will write your content for you. Keep in mind that people are always hungry for new information.

7) Submit your articles to directories. Submitting your articles to directories will expose your link to more people on the web. Do not forget your author resource box at the bottom of your articles. This part should contain your name, the industry you belong to and your website's URL. If you want, you can also include your e-mail to let people reach you more easily.

8) Offer free stuff. Everybody loves free stuff. Offering a free e-book, discount coupons, free newsletter, etc. will make a big difference in how people respond to your website.

9) Offer free advice. One effective way to drive traffic to your site is to start sharing your expertise as well. This also helps you pen the line of communication with them and start building customer relationship.

10) Join forum discussions. This is another way to spread links to your website and get to know more people as well. Look for forums that discuss topics related to your business. In these forums, you will surely find your target market - individuals who re genuinely interested in your business and/or products.

Copyright (c) 2010 Luie De Von

Read More... [Source: Internet-and-Businesses-Online:Traffic-Building Articles from EzineArticles.com]